Can African Dwarf Frogs Live with Fish?

African Dwarf Frogs are small and interesting pets. They are fun to watch and are a great addition to any aquarium. But many people wonder if they can live with fish. In this article, we will explore if African Dwarf Frogs and fish can be good tank mates. We will look at what African Dwarf Frogs need, how they behave, and which fish can live with them happily.

Introduction to African Dwarf Frogs

African Dwarf Frogs are tiny frogs that live in water. They come from Africa and are popular pets all around the world. These frogs are not big. They grow to about 2 inches (5 cm) long. They are also very gentle and peaceful. They have webbed feet which help them swim gracefully in the water. African Dwarf Frogs can be a joy to watch as they move around their tank.

Can African Dwarf Frogs Live with Fish?

What Do African Dwarf Frogs Need?

African Dwarf Frogs have some special needs. Let’s look at what they require to live happily.

Tank Size

African Dwarf Frogs need space to swim and explore. They do not need a very large tank, but it should not be too small either. A 10-gallon tank is a good size for one or two frogs. If you want more frogs or want to add fish, a larger tank is better.

Water Conditions

The water in the tank should be clean and at the right temperature. African Dwarf Frogs like water that is between 72°F and 78°F (22°C and 26°C). The water should also be treated to remove chlorine and other chemicals. A filter is useful to keep the water clean. However, the filter should not create a strong current because these frogs do not like strong water movement.

Hiding Places

African Dwarf Frogs need places to hide and rest. They feel safe when they have caves, plants, or decorations to hide under. Adding these to the tank will help them feel at home and reduce stress.


African Dwarf Frogs are carnivores. This means they eat meat. They enjoy eating small foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and special frog pellets. It is important to feed them food that sinks to the bottom of the tank because they usually eat at the bottom.

Can African Dwarf Frogs Live with Fish?

Now that we know what African Dwarf Frogs need, we can think about if they can live with fish. The answer is yes, but with some conditions. Let’s explore these conditions and see which fish are good tank mates for African Dwarf Frogs.

Peaceful Tank Mates

African Dwarf Frogs are very peaceful. They do not bother other fish. So, they need to live with fish that are also peaceful. Aggressive fish can harm the frogs. It is important to choose fish that are calm and will not pick on the frogs.

Similar Size

Fish that are much bigger than African Dwarf Frogs can be a problem. They might try to eat the frogs or bully them. It is better to choose fish that are about the same size or a little bigger than the frogs.

Similar Water Needs

The fish you choose should like the same water conditions as the frogs. This means they should prefer water that is the same temperature and has the same level of cleanliness. This way, both the frogs and the fish can be happy and healthy.

Slow Eaters

African Dwarf Frogs are slow eaters. They take their time to find and eat their food. If they live with fast-eating fish, the frogs might not get enough food. It is important to choose fish that will not eat all the food before the frogs get a chance.

Good Fish Companions for African Dwarf Frogs

Now, let’s look at some fish that make good companions for African Dwarf Frogs. These fish are peaceful, about the same size, and have similar water needs.


Guppies are small, colorful fish. They are very peaceful and get along well with African Dwarf Frogs. Guppies like the same water conditions and do not eat all the food quickly. They are a great choice for a community tank with frogs.

Neon Tetras

Neon Tetras are tiny fish with bright colors. They are known for their peaceful nature. They swim in groups and are fun to watch. Neon Tetras like the same water temperature as African Dwarf Frogs. They are a perfect match for a shared tank.

Corydoras Catfish

Corydoras Catfish are small, bottom-dwelling fish. They are gentle and friendly. Corydoras Catfish help keep the tank clean by eating leftover food. They also enjoy the same water conditions as African Dwarf Frogs. This makes them good tank mates.


Platies are small, colorful fish. They are easy to care for and get along well with African Dwarf Frogs. Platies like the same water temperature and are not aggressive. They come in many colors and add a lot of beauty to the tank.


Rasboras are small, peaceful fish. They swim in groups and have a calm nature. Rasboras enjoy the same water conditions as African Dwarf Frogs. They are another good option for a community tank.

Setting Up a Tank for African Dwarf Frogs and Fish

Setting up a tank that suits both African Dwarf Frogs and fish needs some planning. Here are some steps to help you create a happy home for both.

Step 1: Choose the Right Tank

Start with a tank that is big enough. A 20-gallon tank is a good size for a few frogs and some fish. The tank should have a lid because African Dwarf Frogs can jump out of the water.

Step 2: Set Up the Water

Fill the tank with treated water. Use a water conditioner to remove chlorine and other harmful chemicals. Make sure the water is at the right temperature, between 72°F and 78°F (22°C and 26°C). Use a heater if needed to keep the temperature steady.

Step 3: Add a Filter

A filter will help keep the water clean. Choose a filter that does not create a strong current. African Dwarf Frogs prefer calm water. A sponge filter or a gentle hang-on-back filter works well.

Step 4: Decorate the Tank

Add decorations like caves, plants, and rocks. These give the frogs and fish places to hide and explore. Make sure there are plenty of hiding spots. Live plants can also help keep the water clean by absorbing some waste.

Step 5: Add the Frogs and Fish

Introduce the African Dwarf Frogs first. Give them a few days to settle in. Then, add the fish slowly. This helps the frogs get used to their new tank mates without stress.

Step 6: Feed the Frogs and Fish

Feed the frogs and fish the right foods. Make sure the frogs get food that sinks to the bottom. You can feed them at different times to ensure both the frogs and fish get enough to eat.

Caring for African Dwarf Frogs and Fish Together

Once the tank is set up and the frogs and fish are living together, there are some important things to remember to keep them healthy and happy.

Regular Water Changes

Keep the water clean by changing some of it every week. Remove about 25% of the water and replace it with fresh, treated water. This helps remove waste and keeps the tank healthy.

Monitor the Water Quality

Use a water test kit to check the water quality. Make sure the levels of ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates are safe. High levels of these chemicals can harm the frogs and fish.

Watch for Signs of Stress or Illness

Keep an eye on the frogs and fish. Look for signs of stress or illness. If any of them are not eating, hiding all the time, or acting strangely, check the water quality and make sure they are not being bullied by other tank mates.

Feed Them Properly

Make sure both the frogs and the fish get enough to eat. Feed them at different times if needed. This ensures that the frogs get their food before the fish eat everything.

Provide Hiding Places

Make sure there are enough hiding places for both the frogs and the fish. This helps them feel safe and reduces stress. You can add more decorations if needed.


African Dwarf Frogs can live with fish, but you need to choose the right fish and set up the tank properly. The best fish to live with African Dwarf Frogs are peaceful, similar in size, and enjoy the same water conditions. Guppies, Neon Tetras, Corydoras Catfish, Platies, and Rasboras are all good choices.

Setting up the tank with care and providing the right environment will help the frogs and fish live happily together. Remember to keep the water clean, provide enough food, and watch for signs of stress or illness. With the right care, African Dwarf Frogs and fish can be great companions in a beautiful and peaceful aquarium.

By following these tips, you can create a wonderful home for your African Dwarf Frogs and their fish friends. Enjoy your aquarium and the joy of watching these fascinating creatures live together in harmony!

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