What Fish Are Not Bottom Feeders?

Fishkeeping is a fascinating and rewarding hobby, offering endless opportunities to explore the diverse world of aquatic life. One key aspect of maintaining a balanced and healthy aquarium is understanding the feeding habits of different fish species. While bottom feeders play a crucial role in cleaning up uneaten food and debris, many fish prefer to feed at the surface or mid-level of the tank. This guide will explore what constitutes a bottom-feeder fish and highlight ten popular fish that are not bottom-feeders.

What is a Bottom Feeder Fish?

A bottom-feeder fish is an animal that principally benefits from the substrate at the lower part of an aquarium or waterway. These fish have adjusted to search for food as waste, green growth, and uneaten fish food that choose the tank floor. Bottom dwellers frequently have specific mouthparts that permit them to filter through the substrate effectively. Normal instances of bottom dwellers incorporate catfish, loaches, and plecos. These fish assume a fundamental part in keeping up with the neatness of the aquarium by eating waste and extra food.

10 Popular Non-Bottom Feeder Fish

1. Bettas (Betta splendens)

Bettas, otherwise called Siamese fighting fish, are a #1 among aquarists because of their energetic varieties and unique characters. They have improved mouths, ideal for caring for the water’s surface. Bettas flourish with an eating regimen of drifting pellets, pieces, and periodic deals like saline solution shrimp or bloodworms.

2. Hatchetfish (Gasteropelecidae family)

Hatchetfish are little, silver fish known for their particular ax-molded bodies. They are phenomenal jumpers and feed essentially on bugs at the water’s surface. An eating routine of drifting bugs, mosquito hatchlings, and excellent drifting chips is great for these fish.

3. African Butterfly Fish (Pantodon buchholzi)

The African Butterfly Fish is an exceptional animal group with long pectoral blades that look like butterfly wings. These fish are top hunters in their local environments, benefiting from bugs and little fish. They incline toward an eating routine of live or frozen bugs, like crickets and flies, and drifting pellets.

4. Tetras (Characidae family)

Tetras are small, bright fish that make extraordinary additions to local area tanks. Species like Neon, Cardinal, and Rummy Nose Tetras are dynamic mid-level feeders. They thrive on a fluctuating diet of chips, miniature pellets, and live or frozen food sources like daphnia and saline solution shrimp.

5. Guppies (Poecilia reticulata)

Guppies are little, live-bearing fish known for their splendid varieties and productive reproducing. They are dynamic swimmers and feed predominantly in the center of the tank. Guppies partake in an eating regimen of great chips, miniature pellets, and periodic deals with child brackish water shrimp or squashed vegetables.

6. Danios (Danio rerio)

Danios, like Zebra Danios and Pearl Danios, are strong and vigorous fish that like to take care of in the mid-levels of the tank. They are not fussy eaters and will flourish with an eating regimen of chips, pellets, and live or frozen food varieties like bloodworms and tubifex worms.

7. Gouramis (Osphronemidae family)

Gouramis are a different gathering of fish that incorporates species like the Midget Gourami, Pearl Gourami, and Three-Spot Gourami. They are basically mid-level feeders yet will once in a while take care of at the surface. An eating regimen of great drops, pellets, and live or frozen food sources like mosquito hatchlings and saline solution shrimp is great for Gouramis.

8. Mollies (Poecilia sphenops)

Mollies are flexible and versatile fish that feed at both the surface and mid-levels of the tank. They partake in a varied diet of pieces, pellets, and live or frozen food sources like saline solution shrimp and bloodworms. Mollies are additionally known to snack on green growth, adding to the tank’s tidiness.

9. Platies (Xiphophorus maculatus)

Platies are vivid, live-bearing fish that are not difficult to really focus on and are extraordinary for fledglings. They feed basically at the mid-levels yet will likewise eat at the surface. Platies flourish with an eating routine of great chips, pellets, and infrequent deals like live or frozen daphnia and brackish water shrimp.

10. Swordtails (Xiphophorus hellerii)

Swordtails are dynamic, live-bearing fish with unmistakable stretched lower tails. They are mid-level feeders that partake in a shifted diet of pieces, pellets, and live or frozen food sources like bloodworms and saline solution shrimp. Swordtails are additionally known to brush on green growth and plant matter.


Understanding the taking care of propensities for various fish species is vital for keeping a decent and sound aquarium. While bottom dwellers assume an imperative part in keeping the tank perfect, numerous delightful and fascinating fish are not bottom dwellers. 

Top feeders like Bettas, Hatchetfish, and African Butterfly Fish, as well as mid-level feeders like Tetras, Guppies, and Danios, offer a different scope of choices for aquarists. By picking the right fish, giving legitimate consideration, and taking care of them, you can establish an energetic and flourishing sea-going climate.

Whether you are a fledgling or an accomplished fishkeeper, realizing which fish are not bottom dwellers and understanding their necessities will assist you with building an agreeable and different aquarium. With the right data and a little exertion, you can partake in the excellence and conduct of these entrancing fish while guaranteeing their well-being and satisfaction.

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