What Size Hooks for Trout Fishing

Are you ready to catch some trout? One of the first things you need to know is the size of hooks to use. Picking the right hook is super important. Let’s dive into the basics of choosing the best hook size for trout fishing.

Key Takeaways

  • Hook size matters for different trout types.
  • Smaller hooks work best for trout fishing.
  • Match your hook size with the bait you’re using.

Why Hook Size Matters in Trout Fishing

Using the right hook size is like having the right tool for the job. Too big, and the trout might get scared away. Too small, and you might miss the catch.

what size hooks for trout fishing

The Perfect Hook Size for Trout

For trout, you usually want a small hook. Trout have smaller mouths than some other fish, so a smaller hook fits better. A good rule of thumb is to use hooks between sizes 10 and 14. These sizes are just right for trout and won’t spook them.

Types of Hooks for Trout Fishing

Different hooks serve different purposes. Here are a few popular types:

  • Single Hooks: Great for most trout fishing.
  • Treble Hooks: These have three points and are good for holding bait better.
  • Circle Hooks: These are safer for the fish as they hook the mouth and not the gut.

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Matching Hook Size with Bait

Your bait size should match your hook size. Let’s look at some common trout baits and the best hook sizes for each:

Live Bait

For live bait like worms or minnows, a size 10 or 12 hook works best. It’s small enough to hide in the bait but strong enough to hold the fish.

Artificial Bait

If you’re using artificial bait, like lures or power bait, go for size 12 or 14 hooks. These hooks are small but sharp, making them perfect for fooling trout into biting.

Fly Fishing Hooks

Fly fishing uses tiny hooks, often as small as size 14 to 20. These hooks match the small flies used in fly fishing. They mimic the insects trout love to eat.

Tips for Choosing Hook Size

  1. Know Your Trout: Different types of trout may prefer different hook sizes. Rainbow trout might go for a size 10, while smaller brook trout might need a size 14.
  2. Consider Water Conditions: In clear water, trout can see better and may be scared of larger hooks. Use smaller hooks in clear water.
  3. Match with Your Gear: Ensure your hook size matches your line and rod. Light gear usually means smaller hooks.

Also Read: How Long to Smoke Fish at 180°F

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the Best Hook Size for Rainbow Trout?

For rainbow trout, sizes 10 to 12 are ideal. They are small enough to catch their attention without scaring them off.

Can I Use Large Hooks for Trout Fishing?

It’s best to stick to small hooks for trout. Large hooks can be too big for their small mouths and might scare them away.

Why Do Fly Fishing Hooks Need to Be So Small?

Fly fishing hooks are small to match the tiny flies used as bait. These flies mimic the insects trout eat, so small hooks work best.

How Do I Know If My Hook is Too Big?

If you’re not getting bites or the trout seem to be avoiding your bait, your hook might be too big. Try switching to a smaller size.


Choosing the right hook size for trout fishing is key to having a great fishing trip. Remember, smaller hooks are usually better for trout. Whether you’re using live bait, artificial bait, or fly fishing, the right hook can make all the difference. So grab your gear, pick the perfect hook, and get ready to catch some trout!

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