Why Does a Cat’s Breath Smell Like Fish?

Have you ever noticed that your cat’s breath smells like fish? You’re not alone. Many cat owners wonder why their feline friend’s breath has such a strong odor. Sometimes it’s a fishy scent, while other times it might be downright unpleasant. Let’s dive into the reasons why this happens and what it means for your cat’s health.

Intro About a Cat’s Diet

Cats are carnivores, which means their diet is mainly made up of meat. This is one of the primary reasons their breath can have a distinctive odor. Let’s break down how their diet influences their breath.

Fish in Their Diet

Many commercial cat foods contain fish. Fish is a rich source of protein and essential fatty acids, which are good for your cat’s health. It’s not surprising that a diet heavy in fish would cause a fishy smell in your cat’s breath. If your cat eats a lot of fish-based food, this could be a simple explanation for the smell.

Meat and Protein

Even if your cat doesn’t eat fish, their diet is still high in protein. Meat and protein can produce strong odors, especially as they break down. This breakdown process starts in the mouth, where bacteria begin to digest food particles. This can create a range of smells, including fishy odors.

The Role of Bacteria

Bacteria are tiny organisms that live in your cat’s mouth. They play a big role in the smell of your cat’s breath. Here’s how:

Natural Mouth Bacteria

Cats, like humans, have bacteria in their mouths. These bacteria help break down food. As they do, they produce waste products that can smell bad. If your cat’s mouth is full of bacteria, their breath is likely to smell worse.

Dental Health

Cats can get dental problems just like humans. Plaque and tartar build-up can lead to gum disease and tooth decay. If these problems aren’t treated, they can cause a very bad odor. This is often more than just a fishy smell and can indicate that your cat needs a visit to the vet.

Health Issues That Affect Breath

While diet and bacteria are common reasons for a cat’s breath to smell, sometimes there are other, more serious issues at play.

Oral Infections

Cats can develop infections in their mouths. These infections can be due to injury, such as a cut or a broken tooth, or from bacteria. Infections can cause very bad breath. If you notice that your cat’s breath smells worse than usual and they seem to be in pain or are drooling, they might have an infection.

Kidney Disease

Cats with kidney disease often have bad breath that smells like ammonia or urine, which can sometimes be mistaken for a fishy smell. The kidneys filter waste from the blood, and when they don’t work properly, waste can build up and cause a bad smell.

Gastrointestinal Issues

Sometimes, problems in the stomach or intestines can cause bad breath. If your cat has issues with their digestive system, it can make their breath smell. This can include conditions like inflammatory bowel disease or food intolerances.

How to Keep Your Cat’s Breath Fresh

If you’re concerned about your cat’s breath, there are steps you can take to improve it.

Regular Dental Care

Brushing your cat’s teeth regularly can help keep their mouth clean. It might be challenging at first, but with patience, most cats can get used to it. Use a toothbrush and toothpaste made for cats. Regular dental check-ups with your vet are also important.

Healthy Diet

Feeding your cat a balanced diet can help keep their breath fresh. Avoid giving them too many fish-based foods and offer a variety of proteins. Dry kibble can also help to clean their teeth as they eat.


Make sure your cat always has access to fresh water. Drinking water helps wash away food particles and bacteria in the mouth.

Vet Visits

Regular visits to the vet can help catch any health issues early. Your vet can check your cat’s teeth and overall health to make sure everything is okay.

When to See a Vet

If you notice a sudden change in your cat’s breath, it’s a good idea to see your vet. Bad breath can be a sign of health problems that need attention. Look out for other symptoms like drooling, pawing at the mouth, or difficulty eating. These could indicate that something is wrong.


A cat’s breath can smell like fish for many reasons. Their diet, especially if it includes a lot of fish, is a common cause. Bacteria in their mouth and dental issues are also big factors. Sometimes, bad breath can be a sign of more serious health problems. Taking care of your cat’s dental health and watching their diet can help keep their breath fresh. And remember, if you’re ever unsure, a trip to the vet is always a good idea. They can help you figure out what’s going on and how to fix it.

Caring for your cat’s mouth is just as important as any other part of their health. With good care, you can keep your kitty’s breath smelling sweet and their overall health in tip-top shape.

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